Wednesday 12 October 2011

This is Halloween: Part 1


No one does Halloween better than the Spellman family!  Valery as a duck, HILARIOUS!

Growing up on the British Island of Guernsey I could only dream of Halloween decorations like that had in Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

I'd love to!

The river of Candy Corn!  Dear Americans, us English don't even have Candy Corn!!

There are literally millions of screenshot I want to use, I really want Orange candles and autumnal garlands and a coffin for my talking cat to sit in, oh and endless amounts of dry ice.

Who want to come Halloween carolling with me?  "OHH have a happy happy happy Halloween!!

My Favourite ever Sabrina line "Delilah!  My name's not Delilah it's Fred!  Don't make me turn this car around! BRRRRRLLLLLLLLLRRRRRRRRR!!!!"

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